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First Night Home

I posted about this in the forums because we are overwhelmed and could use the advice and support. We picked him up around 4 this afternoon and took him to chemo before coming home. He was really excited to see his sister and he ate but the pain medication is not cutting it. He has a port that we inject Bupivacaine into every 6 to 8 hours but he started really feeling it at about 5 hours and we gave it to him at 5.5 hours when he was howling in pain and would not stop writhing around on the bed. I am hoping it was only so bad because he had so much to do today with the doctor appointments.

Cole at chemo

Cole at chemo

The port is problematic because I am scared it will get ripped out but taping doesn’t stay, this sticky plastic wrap stuff the vet put on it just bunched up around it, the T shirts do not keep it in place. He cannot walk on his own at all. I think he is too doped up and weak because even his back legs are not holding him up. Every time we put the harness on, I feel like the port is going to be ripped out.

He has also been peeing everywhere. He peed during chemo, he peed more than I thought a dog could hold in the front yard when we first got home, we have changed his bedding twice and have been keeping puppy pee pads under him as much as possible but the pee just doesn’t end. We don’t want to take him out for all this pee because it requires the harness and seems to just exhaust him to go the 6 feet required to step outside. I hope this is just the fluids from surgery and his system gets back to normal.

His incision looks good. There is quite a bit of fluid in the bottom and some drainage but nothing out of the ordinary so far. He ate both breakfast and dinner, he pooped this morning and we got pumpkin to help keep things going. He is on anti-nausea medication from chemo. I do not know how to comfort him. He seems like he is in so much pain.

Cole gets home

Cole gets home


  1. 4thenas4vatar

    Wish I could offer more than kind words – we’re a week ahead of you, it’s a crazy ride. That’s what pee pads, towels, laundry and Nature’s Miracle by the gallon is for? Hope vet will figure out pain meds adjustment in the morning…

  2. benny55

    Oh gosh! This is breaking my heart! And that’s from just reading this! I’m not even there! I know it is so awful to see sweet Cole in.pain!! Just horrible!!
    Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with that form of pain med method at all! Most dogs here are sent home with Tramadol, Gabapentin, Rimadyl and an antibiotic. I wish I coukd be ore help in that catefory.

    The peeing should subside some after the hospital fluids are out of his system. He may still pee in his bed though as he’s probably pretty druggy.

    I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry about him walking for now. And I don’t want to add more frustration to an already stressful and frustrating day, but it may take a few more days before he gets his sea legs. Just having all that wrap and plastic on him may make him freeze up. It looks like it woukd be hot too.

    Can’t believe he ate and pooped already! That’s great.

    He still has hospital drugs in him, plus the pain meds from the port. Most likely, at least right now, the crying is more of a result of being out ofmit and completely confused as opposed to crying from the pain.

    I KNOW it is sooooo hard, so very hard right now. My Happy Hannah cried and whined and woukd not lay down for nineteen hiurs straight. I coukd barely stand it!

    D call your vet in the morning about the pain dose and see ifmit needs ro be more frequent, or higher dose, or switch to the oral pills I mentioned. And then to get chemo on top of all this…whew…what a long, long day!

    I wish I coukd be more help! I can only reassure you that recovery DOES take place! Sparkle DOES come back! Smooching that big box head DOES help!

    Hang in there! You’ll get through this! Thanks so much for updating. I know you have your hands full!

    Sending lots of love!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • greydrizzle

      Thank you for responding. He is on all of those drugs too but the dose for the port was what was up at the time. We just gave him some Tramadol and Gabapentin so I hope he quiets down soon. My sister came over to help us and is handling the mountain of laundry. Every time we put a fresh set of sheets on the bed and a clean t shirt over him, he pees everywhere. It is helpful to have a third set of hands to handle that part. He gets stressed when he needs to pee because he doesn’t want to go inside but can’t deal with the trip outside yet. He started acting nauseous just now. Back to the trenches. I hate seeing him like this. The pangs of regret everyone (including the surgeon) told me would happen are here. I know it is for the best but the cries of pain are so awful.

  3. sreuschen

    Oh how I remember those first weeks even though they were like a blur! My mastiff Louie didn’t want to walk on his own for 3 days! I questioned my decision every second! He didn’t poop for 12 days!!!!So Cole is way ahead in that department!! I think the majority of his problems as others said are from the pain meds. They get really whacked out and confused. Once Louie was off all the meds he made his greatest strides. The first weeks and days are the hardest. Wow your poor guy had to go to chemo right after discharge from surgery? That’s a lot for him to have to go through. 🙁 It does get better and things do get back to normal. We have all been there. Your dog is beautiful. {{hugs}} to you all.
    Sue and big Lou

    • greydrizzle

      Thank you 🙂 he is so beautiful in every way. Omg 12 days. He hasn’t pooped since the morning after surgery at the clinic but vet told me to get him canned pumpkin to help which happens to be one of his favorite things. Hopefully he goes again soon. He is doing pretty well otherwise. Thank you again for your kind comments and encouragement.

  4. neka03

    POOR GUY… itll get better, I promise!!.. jUST CURIOUS WHY THEY DID CHEMO ON THE FIRST DAY POST OP..It was explained to me and some research that to let the incision heal first because the chemo can delay healing, then begin the first round…. just curious their thoughts.
    My girl actually peed alot too post amputation I think partly because of the meds being out of it and loosy goosy including the sphincters as well as from the fluids…lotts of peeing…I had to do some bloomers and added microfiber towels inside for extra absorbancy definitely helped some. And when she did have chemo she had an odd side effect of leaky urine for about 1-3 days after each treatment.. at first they said it wasnt related and she was aging, but every session within 8-12 hours after she started being leaky like clockwork… so I think it will resolve just fine.. My girl was really wiped out too..In my girls post amputation I was scripted gabapenton in addition to the other meds, too which is to help with the nerve endings and pain. in addition it actually helps my girl really well with her arthritic issues and doesn’t cause her any GI upset ( thought causes a bit groggyness which was fine but I wanted her to rest comfortably) . plus they gave me hydromorphone for about 7 days as well in addition to the normal trammadol or rhymadle .. just a few suggestions since I know every vet has their own opinion of what will or can help their patients, its not all textbook for each case, so sometimes we (moms/dads) have to outright ask for a specific item.

    Itll get better, hang in there… remember You got rid of this nasty tumor…

    • greydrizzle

      My oncologist said she prefers to do chemo as soon possible after the amputation. My very layman understanding is once the main tumor is removed, the cancer starts to send signals to get more aggressive elsewhere. Since it is extremely unlikely that it has not already spread with microscopic cells we cannot yet detect, the chemo starting right away gets a jump on it and hopefully keep it at bay for longer. The chemo doesn’t seem to have bothered him at all other than the physically transporting him there before going home seemed to really take it out of him. Updating next now that I have a few minutes to myself lol. Thank you for the encouragement. It means so much to be able to post and read here.

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